Caste is a monster that allows
people of a particular caste to discriminate other caste people on illogical grounds. If
caste discrimination appears as barbaric to the present generation, one should
imagine the humiliation of our older generation in facing this barbaric
practice. Even in this technological age, with globalization
and all-round growth, there are people supporting existence of caste
system. Its very unfortunate.
There can be people with worst
mind-set in every community and; there can be good and exceptional people in
all the communities. Caste may not have anything to do with one's good or bad
qualities. But, with continuity of certain practices historically, some
communities must have developed certain qualities. These things will certainly
change. For example, traditionally, people who are in the business of kirana or
retail business tend to value money alot and they do not spend money easily. On
the contrary, people who make money easily tend to spend money alot. These
things appear to be realities. However, today, people of every community are
entering into every other profession, barring, may be, archakatva.
However, I strongly believe that
this barbaric caste system will go and caste discriminations will
come-down. Inter-caste marriages are on rise already and especially among
educated class living in cities. Its highly welcome thing and I strongly
believe that inter-caste marriages would be routine one-day and caste becomes
It may take time, but, I believe
that caste will become irrelevant one-day.
But, even-today, caste is a
reality in every aspect of life. Discrimination may not be
so apparent now-a-days, but, discriminative mind-set is
there in-side among many even today.
People are afraid in cities and
towns now-a-days to discriminate people openly. This open
discrimination may still be prevalent in villages and in some areas
of some states in India
even today.
In politics, one may have to be
realistic and thats why, even the crusadors of anti-caste movements, at-times,
appear to be noting caste equations.
It is very important to ensure
that the oppressed communities gets best quality education and so that, they
will be in a position to compete with other communities or so-called forward
communities. Reservations have certainly helped SCs and STs to improve their
lively-hoods and it has reduced caste discrimination. There can be
people criticizing reservations on many grounds and at-times with right
reasons, but, they might not have seen the social realities and struggle.
With all-round growth,
globalization, movement of people from one place to another, growth in literacy
rate; I strongly believe that caste will disappear from this society one-day
and it may take another 20 to 30 years. But, it is certain that caste will go.
Note: the views expressed are my
personal and do not represent anyone or organization.
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