"You are the creator of your own destiny - Swami Vivekananda"


Education to the POOR CHILDREN?

With the growth and growth in middle-class, people are spending lot of money on their children's education. Even the lower middle-class people prefer to send their children to convents paying huge donations and other fees. At times, even the poor people, with their quest to get their children well educated, are sending their children to convents. People have lot of options now unlike a Government School in a particular locality. If people feel that their children are not getting good education in a particular convent, they will immediately change the convent. Its a good-thing on one hand. Convents do make lot of efforts to attract children and the only way to attract children is to offer good quality education. Its a competition among private schools and its the situation in many parts of the country as I think. Parents will question the managements in private schools as fairly enlightened sends their children to convents. 

But, on the contrary, very poor children go to Government Schools now. The parents of these children are not enlightened as they are very poor, uneducated in most cases and for them, their livelihood comes first than the future of their children though they must be concerned at the future of their children.  

Certainly, many programmes like mid-day meals must have encouraged many families to send their children to School. 

Education to the poor is not an election issue now though it remains a very important societal issue. 

Very good administration of Government Schools may not result in increase of votes for the political parties. But, its the social responsibility of every citizen to think about education to everyone and especially to poor. For State Government, nothing is more important than ensuring good quality and affordable education to the poor children. 

Government School teachers also do not prefer to send their children to Government Schools and no Government employee, in my opinion, sends their children to Government Schools, now-a-days. 

There is no one to question the managements and teachers in Government Schools and thats why, its most neglected now-a-days. Many feel that we need to have out-of-box thinking as to how improve the education standards in Government Schools. There should be a comprehensive plan. Teacher Training should be good and teachers should be made responsible to impart good quality education through various methods. 

Again, English subject is another area. People give lot of importance to English subject now-a-days and as English is not taught as required in Government Schools, people do not prefer to send their children to Government Schools. If there are no English medium-government schools, then, at-least, Government Schools should be asked to teach English subject well to the children and so that, at-least, by Xth standard, these children will be in a position to peak and write good English. 

All appreciation and credit needs to be given to the Schools run by Trusts offering good quality and affordable education to poor people. These trusts needs to be encouraged by the Government. All appreciation goes to great people like Shri Ajim Prem Ji who shows keen interest in offering good quality primary education to poor children spending lot of money.

Irrespective of politics, political advantages, education to poor children can not be neglected. Its for the States to implement a proper plan as they will have all the information about the availability of schools and many other issues. 

There can be people making foolish argument that we need people to work at all stages like even clerks and so that, nothing to worry about education to poor children or English education to poor children. These kinds of arguments can not be accepted. 

Education is a fundamental right and its the important responsibility of the Government to ensure good quality education to every child in this country. 

Some State Governments are spending lot of money on various issues like free lap-tops and giving un-employment remuneration etc. But, these kinds of schemes can not be vote catchers going forward and I think that the political parties are overestimating the impact of these kind of schemes. Its virtually impossible to ensure providing free-lap top to every eligible person in a state like State of Utter Pradesh, and in that background, these kind of schemes can not be game-changers. Going forward, we can not underestimate the thinking of the people and every political party needs to present a logical argument to the people. Its not 1990's and thinking and understanding of the people about politics has also been changed and changing slowly. Mindsets are changing slowly and situation will be completely different after 5 years from now. There are other schemes like providing fee-power, house-construction loans, well though-out loan waivers etc. and those schemes can be appreciated at times. Because, free-power to farmers, if possible, can increase the productivity, can provide employment to the rural poor. House Construction directly leads to employment to the poor people in rural areas and villages. 

Hope that we will be able to see a situation one-day, where this society focuses on the need to provide good quality education at affordable costs to the poor children. These poor people are voiceless and its the responsibility of the leadership to speak on-behalf of the voiceless and provide voice to these people irrespective of political advantages. 

Note: the views expressed are my personal and do not represent anyone or organisation. 


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